Katie is an excellent developmental editor. She is able to see the heart of my book and help me bring it to its fullest potential. Katie has helped me streamline my book to enhance the characters and theme, all while staying true to my original vision. In my experience, this is a rare gift! I never knew how good my book could be until Katie helped me edit it, and I know I couldn’t have gotten it to this point on my own.
-Lindsey DeMotts, author of My Soul to Keep
Katie has that wonderful combination of an eye for detail, and a mind for plot. Her notes were enlightening without being intrusive, and when discussing potential ways to improve the story she offered suggestions that not only helped, but didn’t deviate from how I wanted to tell the story. When working with an editor it’s important they support and strengthen the book’s original vision, while offering guidance and feedback that helps you improve it, and Katie does just that exceptionally well. Her notes and advice not only helped improve the novel I was working on, but informed how I thought about my plots moving forward.
-Sean Fletcher, author of the Heir of Dragons series
Katie Reed has been a phenomenal partner in my writing journey. First and most importantly, I feel like Katie values me as an individual writer – she seeks to understand my purpose and my style for any project, and works with me to accomplish my goals for my writing. She truly gets my writing, so her feedback feels all the more meaningful and on point. Her feedback on my manuscripts always add depth I don’t even know I’m lacking. She understands what a book needs – how characters and structure and backstory and conflict all work together to turn an idea into a powerful, moving story. I’m so grateful for Katie’s knowledge and supportive approach.
-Erica Sage, author of Jacked Up
I worked with Katie Reed on my third novel and can honestly say I will only write a book with her collaboration in the future. She is a story and genre guru. She knows how to challenge an author to make the book the best it can be while respecting and magnifying the author’s voice and vision.
-Teri Case, Finding Imogene
Here’s what I love most about Katie’s editing – she understands how to improve your story while making sure it stays true to your vision. I think my greatest example of this was when Katie edited my first ever book, Secrets of The Tally. While other editors would tell me, “You need to create a romance between your male and female main characters,” Katie was the one who respected the fact that romance wasn’t in my vision, and suggested helpful ways to strengthen their intended relationship instead. She understands story structure on a large scale and can help you find where to add more tension, strengthen character progression, improve the reader-character connection, and much more, all while staying true to the story you want to tell. To me, the mark of a good editor is somebody who can recommend improvements based on more than simply their personal preference. Katie’s edits are enormously helpful, as well as thorough, and always tactfully delivered so it’s an all-around positive experience.”
-Halie Fewkes Damewood, Author of The Tally series
At first, I was very hesitant to pay an outside editor to evaluate my book and help me figure out why it was not generating any interest from the publishing world. But I wanted feedback from someone inside the industry and finally decided to hire Katie. Not only was her feedback enormously helpful and specific in pinpointing where my story could be improved, but she provided me with numerous resources to re-craft how I presented my novel to agents and publishers to comply with industry standards. Her written report was detailed and demonstrated a deep knowledge of both writing craft and comparable titles. I definitely feel that it was money well spent.
-Alexandra Smith
After two years of spending money on developmental edits, and spinning my wheels on rewrites on a manuscript that will never see the light of day, I was directed toward Katie Reed for intense editing and coaching. Bottom line, with Katie, you are on a team with a cheerleader who uses best practices instead of pom poms to encourage you through all stages of the battle of the book, ensuring you are victorious.
- Lorraine Parrish, Book Coaching Client
After receiving one too many rejections, I realized I needed a fresh perspective. I hired Katie Reed to review my novel-length manuscript and query and I am so happy I did. She is incredibly professional and personable, and her feedback was thorough and spot-on. She provided notes regarding structure, character, worldbuilding, and more, as well as line-item comments from beginning to end. In addition to all of that, we had a one-hour Skype meeting where I received even more valuable information. I enjoyed every aspect of her editing process. Thank you, Katie, for making my manuscript and query stronger and more marketable!
-Raquel Levitt